The word health means different things to different people, depending on the situation. If somebody says "I was worried about my husband's health when he climbed Mt. Everest", it is clear that the woman is referring to her husband's physical health, possibly his heart, skin (frostbite) and risk of developing hypothermia (when the body's temperature drops too low.
On the other hand, if you hear the phrase "With all these deadlines, presentations and working weekends, I wonder what the effect will be on her health," most likely the word "health" refers more to mental health than physical health (although the two are often linked).
The words "health" or "healthy" can also be used in non-medical contexts. For example "A healthy economy needs an ideal GDP growth rate that is sustainable, one that remains in the expansion phase of the business cycle as long as possible."
The English word "health" comes from the Old English word hale, meaning "wholeness, being whole, sound or well,". Hale comes from the Proto-Indo-European root kailo, meaning "whole, uninjured, of good omen". Kailo comes from the Proto-Germanic root khalbas, meaning "something divided".
health US UK
Sağlık, sıhhat, beden sağlığı, afiyet
Bir kimsenin sıhhat ve saadetine kadeh kaldırma veya tokuşturma
Sağlık, sıhhat, sağlık durumu, afiyet
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
health action zone, health care, health care delivery, health care provider, health care reform, healthful, healthy, unhealthful, unhealthy, affect the health
sağlık (nedir ne demek)
Vücudun hasta olmaması durumu, vücut esenliği, esenlik, sıhhat, afiyet.
Vücudun iyi veya kötü olması durumu.
Sağ, canlı, diri olma durumu
Örnek: Aradan dört beş yıl geçince bir yerden de haber gelmeyince sağlığından umutlarını kesmişler. M. Ş. Esendal
Güvenilir, inanılır olma durumu.
Hasta olmama durumu, esenlik.
(en) Weal.
(en) Good health.
(en) Condition.
(en) Physical health.
(en) Sanitary.
(en) Health.
(en) Sanitarian.
(en) Curative.
(en) Hygienic.
(en) Soundness.
(en) Well-Being.
(en) Sense of well-being.
(en) Welfare.
(en) Fitness.
sıhhat (nedir ne demek)
Sağlık, esenlik
Örnek: Sıhhati yerinde imiş, bir çocuğu daha olmuş. R. H. Karay
Bk. sağıllık
Bk. mu'teberiyyet.
Bk. doğruluk
(en) Health.
(en) Sanitariness.
(en) Soundness.
(en) Truth.
(en) Truthfulness.
(en) Correctness.
(en) Health sağlık.
(en) Correctness doğruluk.
On the other hand, if you hear the phrase "With all these deadlines, presentations and working weekends, I wonder what the effect will be on her health," most likely the word "health" refers more to mental health than physical health (although the two are often linked).
The words "health" or "healthy" can also be used in non-medical contexts. For example "A healthy economy needs an ideal GDP growth rate that is sustainable, one that remains in the expansion phase of the business cycle as long as possible."
The English word "health" comes from the Old English word hale, meaning "wholeness, being whole, sound or well,". Hale comes from the Proto-Indo-European root kailo, meaning "whole, uninjured, of good omen". Kailo comes from the Proto-Germanic root khalbas, meaning "something divided".
health US UK
Sağlık, sıhhat, beden sağlığı, afiyet
Bir kimsenin sıhhat ve saadetine kadeh kaldırma veya tokuşturma
Sağlık, sıhhat, sağlık durumu, afiyet
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
health action zone, health care, health care delivery, health care provider, health care reform, healthful, healthy, unhealthful, unhealthy, affect the health
sağlık (nedir ne demek)
Vücudun hasta olmaması durumu, vücut esenliği, esenlik, sıhhat, afiyet.
Vücudun iyi veya kötü olması durumu.
Sağ, canlı, diri olma durumu
Örnek: Aradan dört beş yıl geçince bir yerden de haber gelmeyince sağlığından umutlarını kesmişler. M. Ş. Esendal
Güvenilir, inanılır olma durumu.
Hasta olmama durumu, esenlik.
(en) Weal.
(en) Good health.
(en) Condition.
(en) Physical health.
(en) Sanitary.
(en) Health.
(en) Sanitarian.
(en) Curative.
(en) Hygienic.
(en) Soundness.
(en) Well-Being.
(en) Sense of well-being.
(en) Welfare.
(en) Fitness.
sıhhat (nedir ne demek)
Sağlık, esenlik
Örnek: Sıhhati yerinde imiş, bir çocuğu daha olmuş. R. H. Karay
Bk. sağıllık
Bk. mu'teberiyyet.
Bk. doğruluk
(en) Health.
(en) Sanitariness.
(en) Soundness.
(en) Truth.
(en) Truthfulness.
(en) Correctness.
(en) Health sağlık.
(en) Correctness doğruluk.