Hollanda Toptancı Dernekleri
Bu bolumde yer alan web sitelerinin çoğu Hollandaca dilindedir.Ancak sitelerde yer alan CONTACTS veya LINKS bolumlerine Ingilizce olarak yazabilirsiniz.
NVG (Hollanda Toptancılar Birliği)
De Malietoren,
Bezuidenhoutseweg 12,
Tel: 31-70 349 07 50
Fax: 31-70 349 07 75
E-Mail: info@nvg.nl
Internet: www.groothandel.nl
HBD-Perakendeciler Federasyonu
Tel:31-70 338 56 66
Fax:31-70 338 57 11
Dutch Wholesale and International Trade Federation
Secretariat: Adriaan Goekooplaan 5 / P.O. Box 29822
2517 JX Den Haag / 2502 LV DEN HAAG
The Netherlands
Tel: (0)70 - 3 54 68 11
Fax: (0)70 - 3 51 27 77
Email: nvg@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.verbondgroothandel.nl
(p) = president
(s) = secretary
(d) = director
General Association for the Trade in Bags AVZ
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : avz@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) Ms. D. Buise
Dutch Association of Barrel Traders NVVV
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : nvvv@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) L. Antonini (p) E. van Berkum
Association of Traders in Building Materials in Holland HIBIN
P.O. Box 2161 , 6802 CD ARNHEM
Tel.: (0)26 - 363 35 55, telefax (0)26 - 363 35 59
Email : info@hibin.nl
Internet: www.hibin.nl
(s) J.G. van der Werf (p) A. Lingen
Anthos- Dutch Wholesalers Association for Flowerbulbs and Nursery Stock
Hollanda Çiçeksoğanları ve Fidan Toptancıları Derneği
Adres : P.O. Box 170
2180 AD Hillegom
The Netherlands
Tel : + 31 252 53 50 80
Faks : + 31 252 53 50 88
E-mail : secretariaat@anthos.org
Internet : www.anthos.org
VGT-Dutch Association of Wholesalers in the Dental Branch
Zuiddijk 384 B
1505 HE Zaandam
Tel: 31-75 653 92 90
Fax: 31-75 653 92 95
Branch organisation for the wholesale in Bulk Materials
P.O. Box 4454 , 2003 EL HAARLEM
Tel.: (0)23 - 540 35 35, telefax (0)23 - 533 58 94
Email : info@bgbsgb.nl
Internet: www.bgbsgb.nl
(d) C. van Putten (p) J.W. Blonk
Association of Traders in Chemicals
P.O. Box 80523 , 2508 GM Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 351 48 51, telefax (0)70 - 354 97 66
Email : vhcp@vhcp.nl
Internet: www.vhcp.nl
(s) F.E. Hes (p) J.J.L. Schmidt
Dutch Association of Enterprises in the field of Cryogenics and Air Treatment NVKL
P.O. Box 190 , 2700 AD Zoetermeer
Tel.: (0)79 - 353 12 59, telefax (0)79 - 353 11 15
Email : nvkl@nvkl.nl
Internet: www.nvkl.nl
(s) L.D.J. Remmelink (p) U.J. van der Meer
Foundation Joint Dairy Secretariat GEMZU
Patrijsweg 58, 2289 EX Rijswijk
Tel.: (0)70 - 413 19 10, telefax (0)70 - 336 94 54
Email : gemzu@xs4all.nl
(s) P.J. Poot (p) F. van Stipdonk
Dutch Association of Wholesalers in the Dental Branch VGT
Marius Bauerstraat 30/4, 1062 AR Amsterdam
Tel.: (0)20 - 408 16 66, telefax: (0)20 - 408 24 10
Email : secretariaat@vgt.nl
(s) E. Kolsteeg
Federation of Wholesalers in Drugstore Articles
P.O. Box 75 , 3600 AB Maarssen
Tel.: (0)30 - 245 26 50, telefax (0)30 - 245 22 22
Email :
(s) J.H.C. Jenster (p) G.W. Metz
Far East Importers Association
P.O. Box 56 , 1170 AB Badhoevedorp
Tel.: (0)20 - 659 78 61, telefax (0)20 - 659 75 72
Email : info@hem-bv.nl
Internet: www.vivonl.com
(s) Ms M. van Woudenberg Hamstra (p)D. van Huiden
Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products
P.O. Box 1104 , 1430 BC Aalsmeer
Tel.: (0)297 - 380 202, telefax (0)297 - 360 309
Email : pvanderzweep@vgb.nl
Internet: www.vgb.nl
(s) P. v.d. Oever (p) H. de Boon
(d) F.H. Erdtsieck
Frugi Venta Vegetables and Fruit Trade Platform
P.O. Box 90410 , 2509 LK Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 335 50 10, telefax: (0)70 - 335 50 20
Email : info@frugiventa.nl
Internet: www.frugiventa.nl
(s) L.A.M. Welschen (p) M.J. Varekamp (d) W. Baljeu
Dutch Federation of the Flat Glass Wholesale Trade GDH
P.O. Box 2075 , 2800 PC Gouda
Tel.: (0)182 - 537 877, telefax (0)182 - 531 239
Email : gob@glasnet.nl
Internet: www.glasnet.nl
(s) B.C. van Dorssen (p) Ms J.M. van den Ingh-van Wijk
Wholesale Association in Gold , Silver, Watches, Clocks a.s.o. VEGROS
P.O. Box 904 , 2270 AX Voorburg
Tel.: (0)70 - 386 77 77, telefax (0)70 - 387 10 47
Email : vegros@fgz.nl
Internet: www.sieradeninfo.nl
(s) D.P. van Wijk (p) P.A. Arbeid
Association of Suppliers to the Graphic and Related Industry VLGA
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 63, telefax (0)70- 351 27 77
Email : info@vlga.nl
Internet: www.vlga.nl
(s) M. Wals (p) C.H. Bosschart
Assocastion of Suppliers in Horticulture VTTB
Brederolaan 34, 2692 DA 's-GRAVENZANDE
Tel.: (0)174 - 415 388, telefax (0)174 - 418 601
Email : vttb@mz.nl
(s) Ms. M.A van der Zijpp (p) J.L.J. Peters
Dutch Association of Enterprises in Lubricants VSN
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 65, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vsn@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.smeerolievereniging.nl
(s)M. Wals (p) J.D. Jong
Federation of Associations in the Machine Trade F.O.M.
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
Email : esmeijer@h-n-t.com
(p) Ms. E. Jobels
Association for the General Trade in Machines V.A.M.
P.O. Box 4, 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s)Ms. E. Jobels (p) C.A. Nolten
Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Compressors and Pneumatic Tools V.I.P.
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s) Ms. E. Jobels (p) R. Verhagen
Association of Importers of and Traders in Woodworking Machines VIMHOUT
Pijnacker, P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(p) Ms. E. Jobels
Association of Importers of Industrial Clamp and Spike Equipment VIKSA
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s) Ms. E. Jobels (p) J.P. Bark
Netherlands Oil , Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association NOFOTA
P.O. Box 202 , 3000 AE Rotterdam
0)10 - 443 06 22, telefax (0)10 - 467 87 61
Email :info@nofota.com
(s) Ms E.A.M. Heijdra (p) M.G.M. van Irsen
Branch organisation for Suppliers to the Office Stationers' BOLEKA
P.O. Box 29822, 2502 LV THE HAGUE
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 56, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : info@boleka.nl
Internet: www.boleka.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) R.M. Semmelink
Association of Dutch Wholesalers in Paint VVVH
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 66, telefax (0)70 - 338 46 51
Email :
(s) L.J.C van der Ziel (p) F.J. Wilbrink
Association of Wholesalers in Paper VPG
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV The Hague
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 64, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vpg@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s)L. Antonini (p) J.D. Knol
Dutch Association of Wholesalers in Paper and Paperware NVGP
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 60, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : nvgp@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) Ms F.J. Lock (p) C. van Namen
Federation of Wholesalers of Pharmaceutical Products
P.O. Box 29822 / 2502 The Hague
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 54, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : bgpharma@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) L. Antonini (p) R.H.A. Sorel
Dutch Association of Suppliers of Photographic and Cinematographic Articles
" LV Fotociné"
P.O. Box 1214 , 3800 BE Amersfoort
Tel.: (0)33 - 461 09 47, telefax (0)33 - 465 76 91
Email :
(s) F. Marree
Plantum NL
P.O. Box 462, 2800 AL Gouda
Tel.: (0)182 - 688 668, telefax: (0)182 - 688 667
Email : info@plantum.nl
Internet: www.plantum.nl
(s) A.C. van Elsen (p) J.J.J. Langeslag
Dutch Potato Organisation
P.O. Box 84102, 2508 AC Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 358 93 31, telefax (0)70 - 354 42 90
Email : nao@nao.nl
Internet: www.nao.nl
(d) R. van Diepen (p) M.J. Varekamp
Federation of Wholesalers in Provisions
P.O. Box 262, 2260 AG Leidschendam
Tel.: (0)70 - 320 21 41, telefax (0)70 - 317 68 87
Email : cbl@worldonline.nl
(s) P.J.D. van der Woude (p) K.L. van den Doel
Association of Manufacturers, Importers and Agents of Radiographics (FIAR)
De Baken 68
Tel: 073 5116207
Fax: 073 5116539
E-mail: fiar@fiar.nl
Internet: www.fiar.nl
(d)Mr A.L.M. Habets
Association of Wholesalers and Importers of Roofing Materials VEGRIDAK
P.O. Box 325 , 7570 AH Oldenzaal
Tel.: (0)541 - 57 30 00, telefax (0)541 - 57 30 01
Email : info@vegridak.nl
Internet: www.vegridak.nl
(s) J.F.B. Vlutters (p) J. Brandt
Dutch Plastics and Rubber Association
P.O. Box 37705 , 1030 BG AMSTERDAM
Tel.: (0)20 - 492 02 10, telefax (0)20 - 492 04 12
Email : info@viavi.nl
Internet: www.dpra.nl
(s) Ms P. Veltman (p) A.W. van Liempt
Association for Dutch Wholesale, Import, Export and Agents of Shoes VIMAGRO
P.O. Box 90154 , 5000 LG TILBURG
Tel.: (0)13 - 59 44 527, telefax (0)13 - 59 44 749
Email : vimagro@wispa.nl
(s) A.J.M.Th. de Groot (p) E. Bruning
Wholesale Federation for Slot Machines
P.O. Box 210 , 5240 AE Rosmalen
Tel.: (0)73 - 521 91 56, telefax (0)73 - 521 12 86
Email : info@vaninfo.nl
(s) J.W. Wijsman (p) H. Stolwerk
General Dutch Association of Manufacturers of Soft Drinks and Wholesalers in Beverages
P.O. Box 26155 , 3002 ED Rotterdam
Tel.: (0)10 - 477 40 33, telefax (0)10 - 425 90 25
Email : gdh@bbm.nl
(s) Ms A.M. Nelck (p) R.G. Boekhoven
Association of Souvenir Manufacturers
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vsf@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.souvenirbeurs.nl
(s) F.B. Huisman (p) H.M.J. Bogaert
Association of Manufacturers and Wholesalers in Sporting Goods FGHS
Plesmanstraat 1, 3833 LA Leusden
Tel.: (0)33 - 43 43 580, telefax (0)33 - 43 43 583
Email : fghs@euronet.nl
(s) D.J.J. Vinken (p) Ms E.W. Visscher
[b]Association of Steelsuppliers in Holland VEST[/b]
P.O. Box 30447, 2500 GK Den Haag
0)70 - 345 02 00, telefax (0)70 - 363 66 81
Email : info@staalfederatie.nl
Internet: www.staalfederatie.nl
(s) F.R.M. Geurts (p) G.J. Douma
Organisation Wise Sunbathing
P.O. Box 52 , 1723 ZH Noord-Scharwoude
Tel.: (0) 900 - 202 50 60, telefax (0)226 - 340 372
Email : info@verantwoordzonnen.nl
Internet: www.verantwoordzonnen.nl
(d) R.A. den Bak
Associaton of Dutch Timberenterprises
P.O. Box 1380 , 1300 BJ Almere
Tel.: (0)36 - 532 10 20, telefax (0)36 - 532 10 29
Email : info@vvnh.nl
Internet: www.centrum-hout.nl/vvnh
(s) A.I. de Boer (p) C. Boogaerdt
Branch Organisation Technical Trade VERTAZ
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 61, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : info@vertaz.nl
Internet: www.vertaz.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) H.K. Oudshoorn
Employers Technical Wholesale WTG
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 67, telefax: (0)70 - 338 46 69
Email : wtg@wtg.nl
Internet: www.wtg.nl
(s) A.P. Fetter (p) H.C. Verlage
Technical Wholesalers Federation
P.O. Box 30447, 2500 GK Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 345 02 00, telefax: (0)70 - 363 66 81
Email :
(s)F.R.M. Geurts (p) B.M. Linssen
Federation of Technoly Branches
P.O. Box 2099 , 3800 CB Amersfoort
Tel.: (0)33 - 465 75 07, telefax (0)33 - 461 66 38
Email : groeneveld@fhi.nl
Internet: www.fhi.nl
(d) J.C. Groeneveld
Association Textile Wholesale Holland VTGN
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : hkruiper@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) J.E. Wijnants
Organisation of Dutch Toy Suppliers ORNES
P.O. Box 96070, 1006 EB Amsterdam
Tel.: (0)20 - 610 08 20, telefax (0)20 - 619 22 15
Email : ornes@planet.nl
(s) Ms M.Chr. van Rijn (p) F.J.D. van den Hazenkamp
Bu bolumde yer alan web sitelerinin çoğu Hollandaca dilindedir.Ancak sitelerde yer alan CONTACTS veya LINKS bolumlerine Ingilizce olarak yazabilirsiniz.
NVG (Hollanda Toptancılar Birliği)
De Malietoren,
Bezuidenhoutseweg 12,
Tel: 31-70 349 07 50
Fax: 31-70 349 07 75
E-Mail: info@nvg.nl
Internet: www.groothandel.nl
HBD-Perakendeciler Federasyonu
Tel:31-70 338 56 66
Fax:31-70 338 57 11
Dutch Wholesale and International Trade Federation
Secretariat: Adriaan Goekooplaan 5 / P.O. Box 29822
2517 JX Den Haag / 2502 LV DEN HAAG
The Netherlands
Tel: (0)70 - 3 54 68 11
Fax: (0)70 - 3 51 27 77
Email: nvg@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.verbondgroothandel.nl
(p) = president
(s) = secretary
(d) = director
General Association for the Trade in Bags AVZ
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : avz@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) Ms. D. Buise
Dutch Association of Barrel Traders NVVV
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : nvvv@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) L. Antonini (p) E. van Berkum
Association of Traders in Building Materials in Holland HIBIN
P.O. Box 2161 , 6802 CD ARNHEM
Tel.: (0)26 - 363 35 55, telefax (0)26 - 363 35 59
Email : info@hibin.nl
Internet: www.hibin.nl
(s) J.G. van der Werf (p) A. Lingen
Anthos- Dutch Wholesalers Association for Flowerbulbs and Nursery Stock
Hollanda Çiçeksoğanları ve Fidan Toptancıları Derneği
Adres : P.O. Box 170
2180 AD Hillegom
The Netherlands
Tel : + 31 252 53 50 80
Faks : + 31 252 53 50 88
E-mail : secretariaat@anthos.org
Internet : www.anthos.org
VGT-Dutch Association of Wholesalers in the Dental Branch
Zuiddijk 384 B
1505 HE Zaandam
Tel: 31-75 653 92 90
Fax: 31-75 653 92 95
Branch organisation for the wholesale in Bulk Materials
P.O. Box 4454 , 2003 EL HAARLEM
Tel.: (0)23 - 540 35 35, telefax (0)23 - 533 58 94
Email : info@bgbsgb.nl
Internet: www.bgbsgb.nl
(d) C. van Putten (p) J.W. Blonk
Association of Traders in Chemicals
P.O. Box 80523 , 2508 GM Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 351 48 51, telefax (0)70 - 354 97 66
Email : vhcp@vhcp.nl
Internet: www.vhcp.nl
(s) F.E. Hes (p) J.J.L. Schmidt
Dutch Association of Enterprises in the field of Cryogenics and Air Treatment NVKL
P.O. Box 190 , 2700 AD Zoetermeer
Tel.: (0)79 - 353 12 59, telefax (0)79 - 353 11 15
Email : nvkl@nvkl.nl
Internet: www.nvkl.nl
(s) L.D.J. Remmelink (p) U.J. van der Meer
Foundation Joint Dairy Secretariat GEMZU
Patrijsweg 58, 2289 EX Rijswijk
Tel.: (0)70 - 413 19 10, telefax (0)70 - 336 94 54
Email : gemzu@xs4all.nl
(s) P.J. Poot (p) F. van Stipdonk
Dutch Association of Wholesalers in the Dental Branch VGT
Marius Bauerstraat 30/4, 1062 AR Amsterdam
Tel.: (0)20 - 408 16 66, telefax: (0)20 - 408 24 10
Email : secretariaat@vgt.nl
(s) E. Kolsteeg
Federation of Wholesalers in Drugstore Articles
P.O. Box 75 , 3600 AB Maarssen
Tel.: (0)30 - 245 26 50, telefax (0)30 - 245 22 22
Email :
(s) J.H.C. Jenster (p) G.W. Metz
Far East Importers Association
P.O. Box 56 , 1170 AB Badhoevedorp
Tel.: (0)20 - 659 78 61, telefax (0)20 - 659 75 72
Email : info@hem-bv.nl
Internet: www.vivonl.com
(s) Ms M. van Woudenberg Hamstra (p)D. van Huiden
Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products
P.O. Box 1104 , 1430 BC Aalsmeer
Tel.: (0)297 - 380 202, telefax (0)297 - 360 309
Email : pvanderzweep@vgb.nl
Internet: www.vgb.nl
(s) P. v.d. Oever (p) H. de Boon
(d) F.H. Erdtsieck
Frugi Venta Vegetables and Fruit Trade Platform
P.O. Box 90410 , 2509 LK Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 335 50 10, telefax: (0)70 - 335 50 20
Email : info@frugiventa.nl
Internet: www.frugiventa.nl
(s) L.A.M. Welschen (p) M.J. Varekamp (d) W. Baljeu
Dutch Federation of the Flat Glass Wholesale Trade GDH
P.O. Box 2075 , 2800 PC Gouda
Tel.: (0)182 - 537 877, telefax (0)182 - 531 239
Email : gob@glasnet.nl
Internet: www.glasnet.nl
(s) B.C. van Dorssen (p) Ms J.M. van den Ingh-van Wijk
Wholesale Association in Gold , Silver, Watches, Clocks a.s.o. VEGROS
P.O. Box 904 , 2270 AX Voorburg
Tel.: (0)70 - 386 77 77, telefax (0)70 - 387 10 47
Email : vegros@fgz.nl
Internet: www.sieradeninfo.nl
(s) D.P. van Wijk (p) P.A. Arbeid
Association of Suppliers to the Graphic and Related Industry VLGA
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 63, telefax (0)70- 351 27 77
Email : info@vlga.nl
Internet: www.vlga.nl
(s) M. Wals (p) C.H. Bosschart
Assocastion of Suppliers in Horticulture VTTB
Brederolaan 34, 2692 DA 's-GRAVENZANDE
Tel.: (0)174 - 415 388, telefax (0)174 - 418 601
Email : vttb@mz.nl
(s) Ms. M.A van der Zijpp (p) J.L.J. Peters
Dutch Association of Enterprises in Lubricants VSN
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 65, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vsn@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.smeerolievereniging.nl
(s)M. Wals (p) J.D. Jong
Federation of Associations in the Machine Trade F.O.M.
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
Email : esmeijer@h-n-t.com
(p) Ms. E. Jobels
Association for the General Trade in Machines V.A.M.
P.O. Box 4, 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s)Ms. E. Jobels (p) C.A. Nolten
Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Compressors and Pneumatic Tools V.I.P.
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s) Ms. E. Jobels (p) R. Verhagen
Association of Importers of and Traders in Woodworking Machines VIMHOUT
Pijnacker, P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(p) Ms. E. Jobels
Association of Importers of Industrial Clamp and Spike Equipment VIKSA
P.O. Box 4 , 2640 AA Pijnacker
Tel.: (0)15 - 36 942 26, telefax (0)15 - 36 976 33
(s) Ms. E. Jobels (p) J.P. Bark
Netherlands Oil , Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association NOFOTA
P.O. Box 202 , 3000 AE Rotterdam

Email :info@nofota.com
(s) Ms E.A.M. Heijdra (p) M.G.M. van Irsen
Branch organisation for Suppliers to the Office Stationers' BOLEKA
P.O. Box 29822, 2502 LV THE HAGUE
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 56, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : info@boleka.nl
Internet: www.boleka.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) R.M. Semmelink
Association of Dutch Wholesalers in Paint VVVH
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 66, telefax (0)70 - 338 46 51
Email :
(s) L.J.C van der Ziel (p) F.J. Wilbrink
Association of Wholesalers in Paper VPG
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV The Hague
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 64, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vpg@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s)L. Antonini (p) J.D. Knol
Dutch Association of Wholesalers in Paper and Paperware NVGP
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 60, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : nvgp@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) Ms F.J. Lock (p) C. van Namen
Federation of Wholesalers of Pharmaceutical Products
P.O. Box 29822 / 2502 The Hague
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 54, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : bgpharma@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) L. Antonini (p) R.H.A. Sorel
Dutch Association of Suppliers of Photographic and Cinematographic Articles
" LV Fotociné"
P.O. Box 1214 , 3800 BE Amersfoort
Tel.: (0)33 - 461 09 47, telefax (0)33 - 465 76 91
Email :
(s) F. Marree
Plantum NL
P.O. Box 462, 2800 AL Gouda
Tel.: (0)182 - 688 668, telefax: (0)182 - 688 667
Email : info@plantum.nl
Internet: www.plantum.nl
(s) A.C. van Elsen (p) J.J.J. Langeslag
Dutch Potato Organisation
P.O. Box 84102, 2508 AC Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 358 93 31, telefax (0)70 - 354 42 90
Email : nao@nao.nl
Internet: www.nao.nl
(d) R. van Diepen (p) M.J. Varekamp
Federation of Wholesalers in Provisions
P.O. Box 262, 2260 AG Leidschendam
Tel.: (0)70 - 320 21 41, telefax (0)70 - 317 68 87
Email : cbl@worldonline.nl
(s) P.J.D. van der Woude (p) K.L. van den Doel
Association of Manufacturers, Importers and Agents of Radiographics (FIAR)
De Baken 68
Tel: 073 5116207
Fax: 073 5116539
E-mail: fiar@fiar.nl
Internet: www.fiar.nl
(d)Mr A.L.M. Habets
Association of Wholesalers and Importers of Roofing Materials VEGRIDAK
P.O. Box 325 , 7570 AH Oldenzaal
Tel.: (0)541 - 57 30 00, telefax (0)541 - 57 30 01
Email : info@vegridak.nl
Internet: www.vegridak.nl
(s) J.F.B. Vlutters (p) J. Brandt
Dutch Plastics and Rubber Association
P.O. Box 37705 , 1030 BG AMSTERDAM
Tel.: (0)20 - 492 02 10, telefax (0)20 - 492 04 12
Email : info@viavi.nl
Internet: www.dpra.nl
(s) Ms P. Veltman (p) A.W. van Liempt
Association for Dutch Wholesale, Import, Export and Agents of Shoes VIMAGRO
P.O. Box 90154 , 5000 LG TILBURG
Tel.: (0)13 - 59 44 527, telefax (0)13 - 59 44 749
Email : vimagro@wispa.nl
(s) A.J.M.Th. de Groot (p) E. Bruning
Wholesale Federation for Slot Machines
P.O. Box 210 , 5240 AE Rosmalen
Tel.: (0)73 - 521 91 56, telefax (0)73 - 521 12 86
Email : info@vaninfo.nl
(s) J.W. Wijsman (p) H. Stolwerk
General Dutch Association of Manufacturers of Soft Drinks and Wholesalers in Beverages
P.O. Box 26155 , 3002 ED Rotterdam
Tel.: (0)10 - 477 40 33, telefax (0)10 - 425 90 25
Email : gdh@bbm.nl
(s) Ms A.M. Nelck (p) R.G. Boekhoven
Association of Souvenir Manufacturers
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : vsf@verbondgroothandel.nl
Internet: www.souvenirbeurs.nl
(s) F.B. Huisman (p) H.M.J. Bogaert
Association of Manufacturers and Wholesalers in Sporting Goods FGHS
Plesmanstraat 1, 3833 LA Leusden
Tel.: (0)33 - 43 43 580, telefax (0)33 - 43 43 583
Email : fghs@euronet.nl
(s) D.J.J. Vinken (p) Ms E.W. Visscher
[b]Association of Steelsuppliers in Holland VEST[/b]
P.O. Box 30447, 2500 GK Den Haag

Email : info@staalfederatie.nl
Internet: www.staalfederatie.nl
(s) F.R.M. Geurts (p) G.J. Douma
Organisation Wise Sunbathing
P.O. Box 52 , 1723 ZH Noord-Scharwoude
Tel.: (0) 900 - 202 50 60, telefax (0)226 - 340 372
Email : info@verantwoordzonnen.nl
Internet: www.verantwoordzonnen.nl
(d) R.A. den Bak
Associaton of Dutch Timberenterprises
P.O. Box 1380 , 1300 BJ Almere
Tel.: (0)36 - 532 10 20, telefax (0)36 - 532 10 29
Email : info@vvnh.nl
Internet: www.centrum-hout.nl/vvnh
(s) A.I. de Boer (p) C. Boogaerdt
Branch Organisation Technical Trade VERTAZ
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 61, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : info@vertaz.nl
Internet: www.vertaz.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) H.K. Oudshoorn
Employers Technical Wholesale WTG
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 338 46 67, telefax: (0)70 - 338 46 69
Email : wtg@wtg.nl
Internet: www.wtg.nl
(s) A.P. Fetter (p) H.C. Verlage
Technical Wholesalers Federation
P.O. Box 30447, 2500 GK Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 345 02 00, telefax: (0)70 - 363 66 81
Email :
(s)F.R.M. Geurts (p) B.M. Linssen
Federation of Technoly Branches
P.O. Box 2099 , 3800 CB Amersfoort
Tel.: (0)33 - 465 75 07, telefax (0)33 - 461 66 38
Email : groeneveld@fhi.nl
Internet: www.fhi.nl
(d) J.C. Groeneveld
Association Textile Wholesale Holland VTGN
P.O. Box 29822 , 2502 LV Den Haag
Tel.: (0)70 - 354 68 11, telefax (0)70 - 351 27 77
Email : hkruiper@verbondgroothandel.nl
(s) H.J.J. Kruiper (p) J.E. Wijnants
Organisation of Dutch Toy Suppliers ORNES
P.O. Box 96070, 1006 EB Amsterdam
Tel.: (0)20 - 610 08 20, telefax (0)20 - 619 22 15
Email : ornes@planet.nl
(s) Ms M.Chr. van Rijn (p) F.J.D. van den Hazenkamp